Scuba diving in Cassis Bay allows you to discover a large number of Mediterranean species.
The practice of diving, for beginners or experienced divers, can be done using existing clubs like Narval Plongée. The seabed around in the heart of the Calanques National Park attracts a large number of divers every year. Sites such as La Cassidaigne, La Pointe Cacau, Figuière or Castel Vieil are famous for their drop offs, the fixed flora and fauna or the atmosphere and the pleasure of the dives.
The grouper, an emblematic species of the Mediterranean, has been protected since 1993. The combined effects of successive moratoria, the gradual arrival of young individuals from the south of the Mediterranean in the early 1990s and the gradual warming of the waters have contributed to the successful renewal of grouper populations.
Much rarer and for the very lucky, dolphins can be spotted in the bay.
You can also discover the sea slugs that can be observed there.
Fish measuring 15 to 25 cm. Pink to orange body, crescent tail and eye circled in yellow and blue. Hermaphrodite species which is first female and then becomes male.
Often lives in small groups and in schools that can exceed a hundred individuals.
A species easily observable while diving in the Calanques National Park.
Fish measuring 10 to 15 cm. Vermilion to rosé body, black eye marked with 2 white lines.
Found in cavities and caves.
In summer the male incubates the eggs in his mouth.
A species easily observable while diving in Cassis.
Fish measuring 40 to 60 cm. Slender, silver-gray body with dark longitudinal stripes.
Usually occurs near the surface in small groups or in schools.
Near the shore.
An easily observable species in the Calanques National Park.
Fish measuring 150 to 300 cm. Body very elongated blue gray to gray brown with mouth split up to the back of the eye. Nocturnal predator, it hides in a crevice or cavity during the day.
Breeds offshore in great depth.
A species easily observable while diving.
Fish measuring 15 to 25 cm.
Brown dorsal part, yellowish orange to white belly
Found everywhere but sometimes in greater numbers near herbaria.
Very curious and attracted when a diver is scratching the bottom.
A species very easily observable in the bay of Cassis.
Fish measuring 15 to 25 cm.
High, flat, silvery body with a dark spot on the caudal peduncle.
Usually found alone near the Posidonia meadows which serve as a natural hiding place.
A species that is not easily approached and observable in the Calanques National Park.
Fish measuring 25 to 40 cm.
Silver gray with 2 transverse black bands and longitudinal golden stripes.
Often moves in schools that can exceed a hundred individuals.
A very common and easily observable species.
Fish measuring 150 to 300 cm. Body very elongated blue gray to gray brown with mouth split up to the back of the eye. Nocturnal predator, it hides in a crevice or cavity during the day.
Breeds offshore in great depth.
A protected species easily observable while diving.
Fish measuring 13 to 18 cm. Rather dark mottled body, red marks on the head and vermilion lips.
Generally found from 10 meters deep on hard bottoms.
An easily observable species in the Calanques National Park.
Fish measuring 30 to 40 cm.
Slender body of salmon pink background color in the female, that of the male is marked with many blue lines.
Generally found from 15 meters deep in shaded cavities or drop offs.
An easily observable species in the Calanques National Park.
Fish measuring 30 to 50 cm. High, massive body of greenish to dark blue color.
Found on rocky bottoms covered with algae and Posidonia meadows.
A moderately common species in the bay of Cassis.
Poisson mesurant 30 à 60 cm.
Corps assez longiligne à coloration variable et moucheté de points clairs.
Les jeunes se rencontrent dans les herbiers de posidonies.
Les adultes plutôt sur fonds rocheux.
Une espèce moyennement courante dans le parc national des calanques.
Mediterranean moray 120 to 150 cm.
Bluish to brown serpentine body with cream to yellowish spots. Long pointed teeth (bites possible if cornered). Crumpled skin in adults above the eyes. Lives in rock crevices and crevices.
A species easily observable while diving in Cassis.
Fish measuring 9 to 12 cm. Body with 4 identified colors:
1) upper half of the dark body and numerous designs including a series of white Hs. 2) dark livery carried by the breeding male. 3) delivered with dark bands and 4) delivered yellow. Generally found from the surface on rocky bottoms.
A very easily observable species in the Calanques National Park.
Fish measuring 15 to 25 cm. Rather dark brownish body with dark bars extending over the dorsal fin. Head with eye tentacles in fir.
Generally found from 2 meters deep on rocky bottoms.
A very easily observable species.
Fish measuring 40 to 60 cm.
Light brown to gray body. Very split mouth and barbillon.
Found deep on rocky bottom, in cavities and caves.
Common name: mostelle
A species observable in depth.
Fish measuring 25 to 40 cm. Body with longitudinal yellow or gold bands.
Usually found in schools grazing on algae and Posidonia meadows.
Sometimes you come across large benches in the open water. A species very easily observable everywhere.
Fish measuring 15 to 20 cm.
Body of variable coloring but always predominantly red.
Massive and round head with sometimes a large clear band on the back.
Rather lives in depth on rocky or coralligenous backgrounds.
An easily observable species in the Calanques National Park.
Fish measuring 20 to 30 cm.
Body of marbled brown coloring.
Massive head with thorns and a large skin flap on each eye.
Rather lives among algae or seagrass exposed to light or on a deep coralligenous background.
A species very easily observable in the bay.
Fish measuring 35 to 50 cm.
Orange to pinkish body.
Massive head with numerous flaps of skin, venomous backbones.
Rather lives in depth on rocky or coralligenous backgrounds.
An easily observable species in the Calanques National Park.
Fish measuring 25 to 40 cm.
Variable color body: gray-beige, orange-pink, yellowish.
The head has 2 to 3 reddish brown to yellowish slashes.
Rather lives in rocky or coralligenous backgrounds.
An easily observable species at Cassis.
Fish measuring 25 to 35 cm. Body with dark bars arranged in pairs, abdomen with blue spot.
The pointed head has fine cross-linked designs.
Rather lives in rocky bottoms and Posidonia meadows, often in between.
An easily observable species.
Fish measuring 9 to 14 cm. Beige to brownish background coloring with small blue drawings (on the left in the image).
Generally found near rocky bottoms and Posidonia meadows.
It is a cleaner fish.
A very easily observable species.
Fish measuring 9 to 14 cm. Beige to light brown background color, often bright green.
Dark mark from the eye to the muzzle.
Generally found near rocky bottoms covered with algae and Posidonia meadows.
An easily observable species.
Fish measuring 8 to 13 cm.
Body beige beige to greenish brown. Pointed and concave muzzle
Generally found in Posidonia meadows.
An easily observable species.
Fish measuring 20 to 35 cm.
Body beige beige to greyish brown. Very developed pointed lips.
Generally found in Posidonia meadows and rocky bottoms. Easy to approach.
A common species.
Fish measuring 6 to 9 cm.
Light brown to reddish body with 4 dark oblique bars.
The head is pointed with a thin and short tentacle over the eye.
Rather lives in obscure habitats, a little more exposed in depth.
A species very easily observable while diving.